Careers in Engineering

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Learn more about the wide range of jobs in Engineering.

Examples of Engineering Related Jobs

Technical Services Manager

Manage the technical service and maintenance team to provide timely and reliable technical services to customers and clients, as well as DKSH operating facilities. This includes installation, warranty, repair, and maintenance services.

Technical Service Training Manager

Plan, develop, and deliver technical services training to enhance the skills and performance of employees.

Application Engineer Manager

Manage the applications engineering team to provide pre and post-sales support to customers and prospects, including applications, demonstrations, and sales visits related to technology or specialized industry equipment.

Project Engineer

Support the development and completion of engineering projects.

Examples of Manufacturing Related Jobs

Production Manufacturing Manager

Oversee the planning, scheduling, and management of production operations to achieve business, safety, quality, and financial objectives.

Production Planner

Develop the most efficient production plans to fulfill customer’s requirements based on sales orders, existing plant capacity, and available materials.

Material Master Specialist

Control and monitor the inventory of materials to ensure availability of all materials for manufacturing and reduce the net operating capital of the plant.

Operations Excellence Manager

Manage overall operations excellence and continuous improvement optimization initiatives to enhance business processes. Improve productivity and deliver significant bottom-line improvements in functional departments, Business Units, and service lines.

Product Costing Manager

Manage product cost analysis and competitive product cost comparison to ensure that accurate product costs are reported and properly communicated within the organization.

Quality Control Manager

Manage and monitor quality control inspection to ensure consistent quality and integrity of raw materials and finished products.

New Product Development Supervisor

Ensure pilot product designs and samples meet the technical requirements, including design integrity, quality, and fit before undergoing mass production. Ensure that new products are developed within established timelines.

Quality Assurance Supervisor

Supervise the development and implementation of quality assurance systems and processes to ensure quality, safety, and compliance of processes and products to internal, customer, and regulatory requirements.

Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Manager

Manage and oversee the development and implementation of safety, health, and environmental practices to ensure alignment to global DKSH safety policy and local and international safety standards.

Registration Assistant

Prepare relevant documentation for product registrations and licensing, including renewals according to guidelines by regulatory bodies.